138 research outputs found

    Cloning and molecular analysis of Pseudomonas sp. ATCC19151 sulphatase operons

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    Colistin resistance in acinetobacter baumannii: Molecular mechanisms and epidemiology

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    : Acinetobacter baumannii is recognized as a clinically significant pathogen causing a wide spectrum of nosocomial infections. Colistin was considered a last-resort antibiotic for the treatment of infections caused by multidrug-resistant A. baumannii. Since the reintroduction of colistin, a number of mechanisms of colistin resistance in A. baumannii have been reported, including complete loss of LPS by inactivation of the biosynthetic pathway, modifications of target LPS driven by the addition of phosphoethanolamine (PEtN) moieties to lipid A mediated by the chromosomal pmrCAB operon and eptA gene-encoded enzymes or plasmid-encoded mcr genes and efflux of colistin from the cell. In addition to resistance to colistin, widespread heteroresistance is another feature of A. baumannii that leads to colistin treatment failure. This review aims to present a critical assessment of relevant published (>50 experimental papers) up-to-date knowledge on the molecular mechanisms of colistin resistance in A. baumannii with a detailed review of implicated mutations and the global distribution of colistin-resistant strains

    Biogenic silencers of Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa jedan je od najznačajnijih uzročnika unutarbolničkih infekcija čiji je terapijski tretman konvencionalnim antibioticima sve čeŔće neefikasan usled rezistencije na antibiotike. Inovativni vidovi kontrole infekcija, poput utiÅ”avanja međućelijske komunikacije bakterija, a time i onemogućavanja virulencije i inhibicije patogenog fenotipa su stoga od izuzetnog značaja. U ovom radu biće predstavljena istraživanja koja su bazirana na prirodnom svojstvu bakterija koje dele ekoloÅ”ke niÅ”e da sarađuju, ali i kompetiraju, na osnovu čega su analizirane Delftia tsuruhatensis i Burkholderia cepacia koje tokom infekcija kolokalizuju sa P. aeruginosa. Pokazano je da D. tsuruhatensis 11304 produkuje C18-HSL koji inhibira virulenciju P. aeruginosa i rekonstituiÅ”e osetljivost na antibiotike, a takođe je po prvi put u literaturi opisano prisustvo dihidroksi- C18-HSL u bioloÅ”kim uzorcima. Opisane su i laktonaze vrste B. cepacia BCC4135 koje degraduju autoinducere komunikacije P. aeruginosa i inhibiraju ekspresiju faktora virulencije. Utvrđena je njihova supstratna specifičnost i ukazano na različitu bioloÅ”ku funkciju u zavisnosti od lokalizacije.Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a leading cause of nosocomial infections, whose therapeutic treatment with conventional antibiotics is increasingly ineffective due to antibiotic resistance. Inovative approaches of infection control, such as silencing the bacterial quorum sensing system and thus virulence and pathogenic phenotype inhibition are of great importance. In this study, there will be presented research based on natural feature of bacteria that share the same ecological niche to coordinate, but also to compete, based on which Delftia tsuruhatensis and Burkholderia cepacia that colocalize with P. aeruginosa during infections were analysed. D. tsuruhatensis 11304 has been shown to produce C18-HSL which inhibits P. aeruginosa virulence and reconstitutes antibiotic susceptibility, and the presence of dihydroxy-C18-HSL in biological samples has also been described for the first time in the literature. B. cepacia BCC4135 lactonases that degrade autoinducers of P. aeruginosa quorum sensing system and inhibit virulence factor expression have also been reported. Their substrate specificity was determined and different biological function depending on their localization was indicated.Jedan deo ovog rada realizovan je na Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, UniversitĆ  di Napoli Federico II, Napulj, Italija pod rukovodstvom prof dr Antonio Molinaro i dr Flaviana Di Lorenzo, kojima se ovom prilikom zahvaljujem. Hvala dr sci med Zorici Vasiljević sa Instituta za zdravstvenu zaÅ”titu majke i deteta Srbije ā€˜ā€™Dr Vukan Čupićā€˜ā€™ koja je obezbedila kliničke izolate koriŔćene u ovom radu, kao i dr Milanu Kojiću i drugim saradnicima Laboratorije za molekularnu mikrobiologiju Instituta za molekularnu genetiku i genetičko inženjerstvo za izuzetnu pomoć tokom izrade eksperimenata

    Molecular characterization of semi-hard homemade cheese microflora

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    U poslednjoj deceniji zabeležen je nagli razvoj molekularnih tehnika baziranih na 16S i 23S rRNK, koje se koriste u izučavanju biodiverziteta mikroorganizama. U ovom radu ispitivana je mikroflora polutvrdog sira pripremljenog u domaćinstvu. Zbog visokog sadržaja masti u ovom siru razvili smo novu tehniku za izolaciju totalne DNK iz sira (metod je baziran na bead beating-u). Brza izolacija DNK iz mikroflore sira omogućila nam je molekularnu identifikaciju BMK (BAKTERIJE MLEČNE KISELINE) na osnovu umnožavanja gena za 16S rRNK PCR metodom. Za umnožavanje su koriŔćeni prajmeri specifični za gene 16S rRNK lakto-bacila, ali su uslovi PCR reakcije bili takvi da su omogućavali i umnožavanje gena 16S rRNK laktokoka. Rezultati RFLP analize pokazali su da mikrofloru sira pripremljenog u domaćinstvu čine predominantno laktokoke.This decade has shown an impressive development in the application of molecular techniques based on 16S and 23S rRNA genes to study the microbial diversity in various ecosystems. Microflora of semi-hard homemade cheese was examined in this work. We developed a novel technique for DNA extraction (a bead beating based method) due to high fat content of this cheese. Rapid extraction of DNA from cheese microflora enabled a molecular identification of the LAB (Lactic Acid Bacteria) strains based on PCR amplification of 16S RNA coding sequences. The specific primers for 76S RNA gene of lactobacilli were used for amplification. The PCR reaction was performed at lower temperature, where the specificity of the annealing reaction was reduced and lactococcal sequences of 16S RNA genes were also amplified. The results of RFLP analysis revealed that the microflora of Doboj homemade cheese encompases mostly lactococci

    Post-translational regulation of the RpoS and PsrA genes in pseudomonas putida WCS358: The role of ClpXP protease

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    RpoS i PsrA proteini su ključni transkripcioni regulatori koji se kod pseudomonada aktiviraju u odgovoru na stacionarnu fazu rasta. Cilj ove studije bio je utvrđivanje uloge ClpXP (ATP zavisna serin proteaza) u stabilnosti RpoS i PsrA proteina tokom različitih faza rasta u Pseudomonas putida WCS358. "Western blot" analiza proteinskih ekstrakata P. putida WCS358 i P. putida WCS358 clpX::Km iz rane eksponencijalne, Kasne eksponencijalne i stacionarne faze rasta, sa antitelima na RpoS i PsrA, pokazala je da ClpXP degraduje RpoS i PsrA u ranoj eksponencijalnoj fazi rasta.The RpoS and PsrA proteins are key transcriptional regulators that are activated in response to the stationary phase of growth in pseudomonads. This study was designed to establish whether ClpXP (ATP-dependent serine protease) regulates levels of RpoS and PsrA in Pseudomonas putida WCS358. Western blot analysis of P. putida WCS358 protein extracts from the early exponentianl, late exponential, and stationary phases of growth with antibodies against RpoS and PsrA revealed that these proteins are degraded by ClpXP in the early exponential phase of growth. The obtained results demonstrate a role for ClpXP protease in post-translational regulation of proteins encoded by the rpoS and psrA genes in Pseudomonas spp

    Effect of methionine and cysteine deprivation on growth of different natural isolates of Lactobacillus spp. in chemically defined media

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    Cilj ovog rada je bio da se utvrdi sposobnost prirodnih izolata laktobacila,izolovanih iz različitih ekoloŔkih niŔa da rastu u hemijski definisanom medijumu sa ili bez prisustva aminokiselina koje sadrže sumpor, metionin i/ili cistein. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je esencijalna aminokiselina za rast izolata L. paracasei subsp. paracasei BGHN14 i BGSJ2-8 cistein, dok je za izolate BGHN40, BGCG31, BGHV54T, koji pripadaju vrsti L. plantarum-metionin. Metionin je esencijalna aminokiselina za rast soja L. rhamnosus BGHV58T. Ostali analizirani sojevi,kao Ŕto su L. plantarum BGSJ3-18,BGZB19,BGHV52Ta i BGHV43T za svoj rast zahtevaju prisustvo obe aminokiseline u medijumu.The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of natural isolates of lactobacilli from different ecological niches to grow in a chemically defined medium in the presence or absence of sulphur-containing amino acids, methionine and/or cysteine. The obtained results indicate that cysteine is essential for growth of L. paracasei subsp. paracasei BGHN14 and BGSJ2-8, while methionine is essential for isolates BGHN40, BGCG31, and BGHV54T of the species L. plantarum. Methionine is also essential for growth of L. rhamnosus BGHV58T. Other analyzed strains, such as L. plantarum BGSJ3-18, BGZB19, BGHV52Ta, and BGHV43T, require the presence of both amino acids for their growth

    Emergence of VIM-2 metallo-beta-lactamase-producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates in a paediatric hospital in Serbia

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    Molecular detection and surveillance of the resistance genes harboured by Pseudomonas aeruginosa are becoming increasingly important in assessing and controlling spread and colonization in hospitals, and in guiding the antibiotic treatment of infections. Metallo-blactamase (MBL)-producing P. aeruginosa strains are slowly but steadily increasing within hospitals, causing outbreaks and/or hyperendemic situations in some centres, mostly in the Far East and the south of Europe (Queenan & Bush, 2007). The global dissemination of MBL-producing P. aeruginosa strains has also reached the Balkan region (Lepsanovic et al., 2008; Sardelic et al., 2003). The objective of our study was to detect and characterize P. aeruginosa isolates producing MBLs from the 400-bed paediatric tertiary care hospital Mother and Child Health Institute of Serbia ā€˜Dr Vukan Cupic

    Characterization of lactococci isolated from homemade kefir

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    Pet izolata laktokoka proizvođača bakteriocina izolovanih iz kefira pripremljenog na tradicionalan način determinisano je kao Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis. Analizirani izolati poseduju različite plazmidne profile i među njima nije detektovana uzajamna antimikrobna aktivnost. Takođe prirodni izolat BGKF26 je rezistentan na aktivnost soja NP45, proizvođača nizina. Eksperimenti čiŔćenja plazmida pokazali su da se geni _a sintezu bakteriocina i proteinaza nalaze na različitim genetičkim elementima, osim kod izolata BGKF26. Sinteza analiziranih bakteriocina zavisi od koncentracije kazitona ili triptona u medijumu. ViÅ”e koncentracije kazitona ili triptona indukuju bakteriocinsku aktivnost. Hibridizacioni eksperimenti su pokazali da su analizirani bakteriocini najverovatnije slični laktokokcinima.Five bacteriocin-producing lactococci isolates from traditionally prepared kefir were determined as Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis. The analyzed isolates showed different plasmid profiles and no cross inhibition between them was detected. Moreover, natural isolate BGKF26 was resistant to the antimicrobial activity of nisin producing strain NP45. Plasmid curing experiments revealed that the genes encoding bacteriocin and proteinase production are located on separate genetic elements, except in BGKF26. Production of the tested bacteriocins depends on the concentration of casitone or triptone in the medium. Higher concentrations of casitone or triptone induce bacteriocin activity. Our DNA-DNA hybridization analyses suggest that the analyzed antimicrobial compounds probably are lactococcin-like bacteriocins
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